Over Labor Day weekend, Justin Duty continued his impressive rookie season in the Midwest Auto Racing Series (MARS) Late Model Championship, while his father John contested a pair of Late Model shows...
Both halves of Double Duty Motorsports were in action over the weekend, with Justin Duty taking on a pair of Midwest Auto Racing Series (MARS) Late Model Championship events and father John racing in...
On Friday, Double Duty Motorsports racer John Duty took on the Coors Light Silver Bullet I-5 Series at Southern Oregon Speedway. Showing speed in the feature, the veteran driver notched a top-five re...
The Midwest Auto Racing Series (MARS) Late Model Championship traveled to three tough Prairie State tracks from Friday through Sunday. Double Duty Motorsports driver Justin Duty was a factor at all o...
The patriarch of Double Duty Motorsports, John Duty, raced with the Silver Bullet I-5 Series on Saturday, making a start in the prestigious Clair Cup event at Willamette Speedway in Lebanon, Oregon....
Double Duty Motorsports pilot Justin Duty competed for three nights at Fairbury (Illinois) Speedway over the past week. He raced his No. 15 Don Frank Floors Super Late Model against some of the stron...
Justin Duty and his Double Duty Motorsports team returned to action in the Midwest from Friday through Sunday, competing in three $5,000-to-win Midwest Auto Racing Series (MARS) Late Model Championsh...
Double Duty Motorsports driver Justin Duty returned home to Oregon over Independence Day weekend and drove his dad John’s new No. 5 Longhorn chassis in three $2,000-to-win Coors Light Silver Bullet I...
The Double Duty Motorsports team scored a third-place result at Willamette Speedway on Saturday night with John Duty behind the wheel of the No. 5 Super Late Model.
Duty opened the evening by turning...
Double Duty Motorsports team patriarch John Duty debuted his new Longhorn Chassis on Saturday at Oregon’s Cottage Grove Speedway. He parked the No. 5 Late Model in Victory Lane, fittingly on Dad’s Ni...